In exchange you pay a small monthly fee plus a transaction fee. The single physical item you purchased is yours to do with as you wish colored or blank as long as you do not reproduce it.
Pet Coloring Pages Animal Coloring Book Crayola Com Crayola
Can i sell finished coloring pages. Use a finished coloring page to wrap a small gift or to make your own greeting card or gift tag. I made all three with a single coloring page. You can tear the book apart and hang the pages on your wall. Its also a risk if you self publish the coloring book and you dont sell enough to cover your costs. You can sell the pages joeldare has it right with first sale doctrine. Another easy way to re purpose a finished.
Is there a way to legally sell your colored pages. You can even sell the individual colored pages if your coloring skills are strong enough to create a market value for the finished product. You have to do some initial set up but once you do that gumroad handles the transactions for you. If you hate dealing with technology this might be a good option for you. See our coloring sheets gallery below. If you would like to download it right click on the pictures and use the save image as menu.
Exactly how i can buy a book make highlights and notes in the margins and sell the book to a used bookstore if this is what you are doing then your sale of the page from the book should be covered by the first sale doctrine. Nov 22 2016 why keep your best coloring hidden in a book. If youre looking for a quick way to sell your coloring sheets online then gumroad might be the answer. If you want to sell or give away the book no problem. In other words you can sell your one original colored page but you cannot make more copies of that page and sell them. Yes if you obtain an explicit grant of license by an artist or owner of the copyright.
Youll notice that i didnt finish coloring the page but i love the look of having some black white areas mixed in with full color. Here are some great ways to show off your work. Just adding to it and selling the actual page you took out of a coloring book. 28 selling finished coloring pages collections. Ive been developing an idea for a coloring book and you can help me decide whether or not to go ahead with it by completing the survey at the end of this blog post. Now thanks to amazon kdp this is a ton easy less expensive and you be stuck with cases of book s to sell.
See more ideas about coloring pages coloring books coloring book pages. Selling finished coloring pages johanna basford sells million copies of secret garden.